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OPINION: the manipulation of Justice by the left

The manipulation of Justice by the left is not only a Brazilian phenomenon

Yesterday, a NY court decided to fine Donald Trump $355 million for alleged accounting fraud in a civil proceeding, in addition to suspending his business in NY for three years, which is a death sentence to the business. According to the far-left prosecutor who took the case forward, Trump inflated the value of his assets to take bank loans. Trump strongly disputes the accusations. The fact is that the loans were paid, and no one was harmed. The case revolved around the value of his property in Mar-a-lago, Florida. The evaluation of Trump’s official house is complex, because part of the property is listed.

The undeniable fact is that this process would never exist if the owner of the company questioned were not Donald Trump. The left wants to destroy him at any cost, and they are using the Judiciary as a tool to achieve the goal. Last month, a woman who accused Trump of rape, without even remembering for sure the year in which the abuse would have occurred, still in the 1990s, was awarded an indemnity of US$ 88 million. Her own defense, supported by a globalist billionaire, had asked for $8 million…

To make clear the trial show character of the case tried yesterday, the judge participated in a photo session for the press, in which he appears smiling at the cameras. The rigging of the courts means the death of Justice. The U.S. has not yet reached the Brazilian level of capture of Justice by the left, but the path is traced.

Leandro Ruschel.
Jornal da Cidade